- Acceptable Use
- Addition and Subtraction Calculation
- Admissions
- Anti Bullying
- Assessment and Feedback
- Attendance
- Behaviour Management
- Charging and Remission
- Child Protection and Safeguarding
- Children with Health Needs who cannot attend School
- Children's Policy for Safeguarding
- Code of Conduct
- Collective Worship
- Complaints
- Drugs Education
- Equality Policy and Statement
- Exclusions
- Freedom of Information
- GDPR and Data Protection
- GDPR Privacy Notice
- Health and Safety
- Home School Agreement
- Homework
- Image Use
- Looked After and Previously Looked After Children
- Mobile and Smart Technology
- Multiplication and Division Calculation
- Phonics and Early Reading
- Premises Management
- Prospectus
- Public Sector Equality Duty Act
- Religious Education
- Sex and relationship Education
- Single Equality Scheme
- Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Development
- Social Media
- Supporting Children with Medical Conditions
- Uniform
- Visitors use of Mobile Phones
- Volunteers Working in School
- Whistleblowing